Sustainability policy

Our ethos

Whilst we are trying to grow to be the go-to company for the highest quality of personalised gifts, we also think it is important to show some love to our amazing planet; both towards the environment and to all the people we share it with.

We care greatly about how we can improve our sustainability whether it be sourcing materials, packaging or energy efficiencies and recycling in the office. We are always working on how to become better and by committing to the things we know we can do, we think we can help make a change.

Our packaging 

  • Our ribbon is woven with yarns made from 100% used plastic bottles.

  • Our wrapping paper is biodegradable, recyclable and the raw material is sourced from carefully managed European renewable resources where more trees are planted for the future than are felled each year.
  • We try to use mostly recycled tissue or paper which is recyclable
  • Packaging material, where possible, is also recycled or recyclable

In the office

  • Our wood and material is FSC approved
  • We use 100% green energy from Ecotricity
  • Eco-friendly transportation: our main courier delivery service is with DPD who have a CO2 neutral policy
  • Re-use all cardboard packaging we receive and shred it up to use as our void fill for our parcels
  • We have new LED lighting
  • Underfloor heating which is more efficient
  • Recycle and reuse waste material where possible
  • Always try using eco-friendlier materials and techniques
  • Make fire briquettes from whisky wood shavings

The little things…

  • Staff workers share lifts to and from work if they live in close proximity
  • We recycle all our cartons, tins, jars etc in the kitchen
  • Our milk is delivered to us weekly in glass bottles which get reused
  • Any cardboard boxes we receive from deliveries we reuse and post out
  • Never fill the kettle up too high
  • We have a compost bin and bird feeders

Things we are working on / aiming for

  • Reducing our energy usage
  • Finding as many products that use up waste material
  • We are planting native trees, establishing new woodland as well as underplanting with saplings in existing older woods.